Castles In Their Bones by Laura Sebastian "REVIEW*

Castles In Their Bones

By Laura Sebastian

I absolutely adored this book! I loved the intrigue, the relationships, the scheming, the sisters, just everything! I will admit that the first 10% or so is a little info dumpy and while the story is told in the three perspectives of the sisters, I found it hard sometimes to remember which sister was where, and married to who and what their exact motivations were, which is why I knocked a star down. I liked how each sister had their own personality, as sometimes when reading duel perspective its hard to tell the characters apart. I loved Triz and Pas' relationship and how you could tell how Sophie really did care for the people she was fighting for, even if others thought she was too soft. The ending was something that I didn't see coming and I'm still reeling. I really did enjoy this one though and I can't wait to see what happens next in the story.
