Book of Mythicality by Rhett McLaughlin and Link Neal *REVIEW*

Book of Mythicality

By Rhett McLaughlin and Link Neal

I don't normally, if ever pick up non-fiction books, but I've been following Rhett and Link on GMM for about 2 years now and thought I'd give their book a shot seen as though I'm a fan of their show (and because I was gifted the book for Christmas).

I'm going to be honest and say that I was worried going in that it would be mostly just be background information on their friendship and life leading up to the production of Good Mythical Morning, but I was pleasantly surprised to find that while it did have that, it also had a bunch of other content such as Party Tips, Character Building: The Board Game, and A Letter From The Future, all of which made me feel like I was reading scripts for some of their episodes which I thought was pretty cool.

Overall, If you enjoy watching GMM and want to learn more about Rhett and Link and have some laughs along the way, I highly suggest you pick this book up.
